I'm preaching this week :: beyond sight :: faith questions in a time of grief

This Sunday at Living Hope Church I'll be tackling some of the hard questions that float to the surface when someone that you love and have prayed for passes away. Living Hope loved Jeremy Erickson, and our church prayed hard for his recovery. Some of us are asking "Why?" and "Is this God's plan?" and "IS GOD HEARING US AT ALL?" Please pray for me as I prepare this week. I'd love to see you Sunday night at 6:30 out in St. Michael.

To all my #AFLC friends: I'll miss you this week...

I've been really looking forward to seeing so many of you at the Annual Conference this year.  Unfortunately with the week we have had, and Amy going on several days of illness now, AND me being way too busy to be present with the family these last several days, Amy and I decided it was not a good time for me to leave again for several days.  I'm staying home with the family.  Disappointed to miss being there with you all, but at peace about making the right decision.  Have a blessed week, and I'll keep you in my prayers.  God bless and guide the AFLC.

Said goodbye to one of my best friends today.

What an honor to know and love Jeremy Erickson and his wife Jenny. I have so many fantastic memories with Jer. When a brother in Jesus goes home, it is beautiful and joyful even through many tears. What a great God to fill His children with such hope. Unquenchable hope. I'm grateful to have been with Jer this afternoon with many friends and family - it was a good farewell. Deeply, powerfully, life-changingly grateful that I will spend forever with Jeremy when it is my turn to cross over. He is loved. He's family. I will miss him much.

See Jen's note on CaringBridge tonight. Please keep her and their three glorious boys in your prayers. And THANK YOU to the many who have prayed for the Erickson family. He has and is still answering those prayers. This is the greatest day of Jeremy's life. That's why we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We mourn our loss and celebrate Jer's gain with the same heartbeat. > http://bit.ly/M0PpOc