Skogerboe Christmas Video Snapshots 2010

Below you'll find a series of short video clips of our family taken during the Christmas season.  The first few are from Christmas Eve at our place, and the rest were taken while visiting my parents in Bemidji, MN.


We had a wondrous night together with Amy's parents (Bob and Gloria Lee), her brother (Adam Lee), close friends Kris and Fredy Solis, and their kids (our God-kids), Kara, Matt, Lily, and Miguel.

Menu: Aebelskiever, Swedish Sausage, Fruit Soup, and cranberry juice mixed with ginger ale.


Every year we read the Christmas story, and as we light each candle on the Advent Wreath (or log, in our case), we sing a carol that corresponds with each candle: Prophecy, Bethlehem, Angels, Shepherds, Christ.

Our Godson Miguel, apparently, was not impressed. :-)


Our youngest son has recently learned some new tricks. He gives smooches on faces, gives hugs, and fistbumps (which his brothers call "knuckles") and says "BOOM!"

He's resetting the bar for cuteness.

This was Christmas Eve 2010 at the Skogerboe home.


A glorious pandemonium.


Sledding in the daylight.


Sledding in the dark.


Grandpa Neil is raising up a new generation of NRA members. This is Isaac with the .22 caliber single shot that I learned to shoot with.


Grandpa Neil is training up my boys to be ready to hunt with him when they're old enough. Levi's getting used to gun safety protocol with the BB gun I used growing up.  And no, he didn't shoot his eye out...