an early update regarding our family and living hope church :: May 10, 2010

Hello friends!  Many of you have been tracking with me over these last few months as Living Hope Church (where I am currently employed full time as a Worship and Executive Pastor) has been working to deal with a significant shortfall in giving as measured against our agreed-upon 2010 budget.  Many of you know that there have been a series of meetings involving our Pastors, Elders, and Stewardship Team.  All of these meetings, filled with much prayer and discussion, led to a meeting of our Elders and Stewardship Team members last night (May 9) to discuss potential cuts to the budget for the rest of the year.  Last night’s meeting did not involve myself or our Senior Pastor.


Today, Pastor Bob and I met with the Elders to discuss the results of last night’s meeting.  After talking about the meeting last night, we agreed to call a church-wide meeting to discuss the decisions made by our leaders.  We will hold that meeting on June 6, following our weekend gathering.  Until that time, our Elders have asked us not to share specifics, so that we can have an opportunity to really discuss the details as a church family.  I agree with that approach - it seems like the healthiest way to communicate, and the proper time-frame to ensure we can inform everyone of this upcoming church family meeting.


Therefore, I need to honor their request.  I can share with you a few important bullet points however, to the many of you who have been praying for our church and for our family:


(1)  I think the decisions that were made were God-honoring and Spirit-led.  I have  great love, respect, and trust in our Elders and Stewardship Team members.  They are gifted, prayerful, Godly leaders.  Our church is blessed to have them.


(2)  I have great love and respect for Pastor Bob through this process, as well.  Living Hope is blessed to have him at the helm.


(3) Although I can’t share any details with you regarding specific decisions, I can say that I feel loved and greatly affirmed by our leaders.  I know that they appreciate my ministry and love our family.  That has been very clear through this process.


(4)  Amy and I are praying and examining what God has been (and is) teaching us through this season.  There are still decisions to be made.  If you are a praying friend of ours, I can’t express the gratitude we have for your prayers this far.  If you are willing, we certainly welcome your ongoing prayers now.  Thanks in advance.


(5)  We love Living Hope.  It is an inspiring community of friends - and God is at work in it.  I believe that Living Hope’s VERY BEST DAYS are ahead, and we are positioned to come out of this season stronger than ever before.


(6)  Regardless of the decisions made last night (this has been a long-term percolating possibility for years now), I am seriously considering looking into seminary.  I welcome your prayers, feedback, concerns, or words of counsel.  We are trying to discern God’s voice here.


(7)  God is always, always good.  His character never changes one speck.  When we see clearly the path laid out for us, God is good.  When the road ahead is unknown, God is good.  He loves our family and He loves our church.  I expect a bright light on the horizon, because His faithfulness is as sure as the dawn.  We are at peace.  And Living Hope will thrive in the days ahead.


Once we get to the 6th of June, I can share more detail with all of you.  Until then, prayers for Amy and I to make wise, Spirit-led decisions would be appreciated - and for Living Hope always.  To God be the glory.

