Captain America Review


Fun!  And it was refreshing to hear some healthy themes under-girding the storyline.  Character matters.  Selflessness is honorable.  Courage counts.  Character trumps position.  And on the romantic front, "Wait for the right dance partner."  :-)  

Definitely plenty of comic-book style battle mayhem, so if you're sensitive to that, heads up.  On the other hand, this was a clear case of "good guys" fighting "bad guys."  I APPRECIATE THAT.  Too much of what has come out of Hollywood in the last three decades has been a struggle between two opposing corrupt forces.  I like seeing men of good character standing up to evil.  Thumbs up.  

Also, there was very little social engineering going on here.  Going to "Cars 2" with my kids a few weeks ago was like a firehose of anti-"big oil" indoctrination for 96 minutes.  To be honest, in this era of cynicism, where it is politically correct to view America as a troubled world leader at best and as downright evil at worst, it was surprising and refreshing to see something come out of Hollywood that portrays America, the American Military, and an American hero in an uncompromisingly good light.

Overall:  Two thumbs up.  :-)