5 responses
nice library ;)
:-) When I was buying these Seth was with me. He said, "You have to READ all those in Seminary?" I said, "Yeah... before Christmas." :-)
Hmmmmm, my library is a bit smaller than yours. Oh yeah I forgot you're the Kamikaze seminarian (but I pray it doesn't end that way for you).
Nice start. Mueller's Dogmatics is pretty good, though I think he plays a little loose with Calvinism from time to time.

Dunno if it'll be useful or not, Joshua, but you might want to look into Logos. It's a very useful program (and I'm guessing you'll get a student discount). Many of those books are available that way, which makes them more accessible, portable, and easier to notate in electronic form. And they're usually cheaper too!

The Mac version of Logos 4 is almost up to par with the Windows version; either is very usable.

@Jason -- re: Logos. YES. I pulled the trigger on that software. I consider it a serious life-time investment. I'll use it forever. Purchased with the "Scholar" library. I couldn't possible handle the higher level sets at $1,200 or $1,600 or $1,900 a pop. But yes, we did get a nice AFLBS academic discount. And yes, some of these books are available through Logos (and about another half dozen of our recommended resources that I already have included in the software package), but it is expensive (and sometimes not possible) to buy individual books and commentaries through Logos. And, truth be told, I most often like the "feel" of reading a real book and writing in my own notes in the margins. As a Bible study tool, however, Logos is AMAZING. Commentaries, notes, Greek and Hebrew interlinear reference tools, parallel translations all available simultaneously as you read a passage. It's just amazing.