"Wrecked" by Jeff Goins :: Book Review

"In a world that refuses to be healed, we must face the fact that we are not the heroes of our stories." -Jeff Goins 

I have long said that in almost every area of life that really matters, the best path lives in tension between two other viable options. As a dad, I have to find the middle path that lives in tension between authoritarian control and anything-goes, laissez faire parenting. Both extremes will likely lead to angry, wounded, distant children. As a ministry leader with a family, I have to find the good middle ground that lives in tension between committing my heart, best energy, and most of my waking hours to serving other people and the deep and important calling I have to be a hands-on leader in my home and a servant and leader to my wife above all. Humility and confidence. Pouring ourselves out and being renewed. Community and solitude. There is tension in the middle path, but it is almost always the road that leads to the greatest results and the deepest satisfaction.

This is the brilliance of "Wrecked."

Jeff Goins inspires. But this book won't hype you into a brand new life. Jeff calls us out to live the Biblical values we espouse. That means entering into other people's pain - without being incapacitated. It means willingness to uproot and GO when it isn't comfortable - and it means being willing to COMMIT and STAY when it isn't comfortable. It means if you want to live your best, richest, deepest faith life... it won't be about you at all. Once we are wrecked we most certainly are not the heroes of our stories.

Jeff navigates this hard middle path with a rich palate of personal experiences to draw from, yet he does so without making the book all about him. Instead, I got the sense that he's living what he believes, and we get in on it as God shapes his heart and character. In it he shaped me, too. I felt equally challenged and inspired, equally affirmed and chastened. Jeff's frank talk manages to pierce through the rhetoric without sounding preachy:

"We've all heard that it doesn't matter what you do as much as how you do it. That God can use you anywhere. That you never know what seeds you are planting in people's lives, even when you can't see the fruit. All this is true, but only if you're not using these statements to justify your life." -Jeff Goins 

Thanks, Jeff for the swift kick. And the call to live out a better story. And the reminder to pray for my pride and selfishness to be continually torn out of me. We get one life. I want mine to be wrecked.

God bless you, brother Jeff, and congratulations on a masterful gift to the Church. Everyone else... read it now.

NOTE:  For more info, visit http://wreckedthebook.com