Lord, help me get this right...


I’m in class.  We are studying theology. 

Sometimes in the discussion of the minutia of nuanced theological semantics, I find myself straining to understand the proper wording so that I will satisfy the proper theological authorities and watchdogs. The problem is, when I minister and preach I am God’s ambassador of reconciliation. I must be moved by the need to communicate the heart and words of God to those I am serving, rather than protecting my theological reputation. Striving after right theological terminology can shackle me with unbalanced self-examination, where freedom in the Spirit should loose me. I must must must keep this clear and settled in my heart. Words matter, for sure. But hearts and souls matter more. 

Lord, help me get this right.

"BRAVE" by Pixar -- My nine-second review...

We watched "BRAVE" with the boys last night. The characters were hilarious. The animation was eye-popping. But as someone has already pointed out, I think its title was a misnomer. I suppose "Petulant, Disobedient, Disrespectful and Self-Absorbed" didn't test well.


"David Danced" message 2.0. Graphics upgrade...

Preaching in the morning (11/18/12, 10:30AM) in Upsala, MN. Going to talk about David worshiping before the Lord and in front of the whole nation of Israel in 2 Samuel 6. I preached this text two years ago, but this time I'm following different themes. It required a graphics upgrade...